Please find below a list of our Chillies and Peppers that we are selling this year and their prices.  If you do not know the names of a particular Chilli or Pepper plant you are after please use our PDF documents to assist you in finding the right plant for you.

We love chillies and peppers.  This year we have over 150 varieties, from the sweet bell, long and mini peppers, through a wide range of chillies from very mild, all the way up to the infamous Carolina Reaper and its challengers for the title of Worlds Hottest Chilli.  


The cards below show all our varieties, grouped according to heat, and all the plants are invidually labelled, showing whether it is a pepper or a chilli, and also the variety name, colour, size and heat level. 


Peppers and chillies can be grown outside in warm and sunny locations, BUT the hotter the chilli variety, the more heat it will need to grow and produce a crop.  So something mild like a Padron should do well outside, a cayenne may produce a reasonable crop, but anything hotter will struggle outdoors.  I would never recommend growing the superhots / nagas anywhere other than a greenhouse, polytunnel or a well lit and warm conservatory.  There are more tips for growing to be found on the cards below.


If there are specific varieties you are after, then please get in contact with us 3 or more days in advance of the event you want to collect the plants at, and we'll make sure the plants are ready for you on the day.


Our chillies and peppers are available in 9cm pots from the end of March to June, along with some varieties already planted in hanging baskets (perfect for novices and those with limited growing space).  Due to the heat needed for the superhot / naga chillies, they are normally only available from late April onwards, but as ever, this is dictated by the weather conditions we get this spring.


During the summer months we are at Chilli Festivals and other events where we will have the chillies in much larger pots, with some of the plants being up to 3ft tall and literally dripping with ripe chillies.  We'll also have the fully grown hanging baskets that look spectacular.

From March to early June our chilli plants are supplied in 9cm pots, priced at 6 for £15, or £2.75 each.  The exception to this are the 'superhot' chillies which are priced at £5 each, and at chilli festival events where all chilli varieties will be in  larger pots only and priced accordingly.  


From mid June onwards all chillies will only be available in larger pots, price dependant upon size.  Trailing varieties may be available in ready-made hanging baskets from April onwards, please contact us for availability.


A guide to the chilli varieties we're growing in 2024
2024 chilli matrix.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 56.5 KB
Group 1, our mildest chillies
2024 Chilli group 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 425.9 KB
Group 2, our mild chillies
2024 Chilli group 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 966.5 KB
Group 3, our mild-medium chillies
2024 Chilli group 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 621.3 KB
Group 4, our medium chillies
2024 Chilli group 4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB
Group 5, our medium-hot chillies
2024 Chilli group 5.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB
Group 6, our hot chillies
2024 Chilli group 6.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
Groups 7 & 8, our very hot and very, very hot chillies
2024 Chilli group 7 & 8.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 721.0 KB
Groups 9 & 10, our superhot chillies
2024 Chilli group 9 & 10.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 651.2 KB
Part 1 of our chillies that are dwarf or trailing
2024 chilli dwarf & baskets part 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB
Part 2 of our chillies that are dwarf or trailing
2024 chilli dwarf & baskets part 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB
Chilli Focus, high quality liquid feed specially formulated for perfect chillies and peppers
chilli focus 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 119.7 KB
Growing tips chillies & peppers
How to look after your chillies and peppers
Tips for growing chillies & peppers.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 110.1 KB
How to care for your Superhot / naga chilli plants
Tips for growing naga chillies.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 96.3 KB

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